TEL: 07752 363367

Top to Tail Therapy - McTimoney Chiropractic

All dogs, regardless of age and levels of activity can injure themselves.  If your dog is showing any signs of limping/stiffness, difficulty in walking upstairs/getting into a car, pain during or after exercise, a reluctance to play etc, then they may benefit from seeing a McTimoney Chiropractor.

My dog Arielle has always had a bit of a wonky back leg.  My vet had ruled out any medical issue so I decided to try a more holistic approach.  A friend recommended Amber Calleran from Top to Tail Therapy and I have been using her ever since!  Arielle can be very unsure of people she doesn't know but Amber was so gentle and kind and soon gained her trust.  She quickly discovered the cause of Arielle's issues and she is so much better.  Amber also treats horses and she regularly comes to see my horse Lucy to give her a massage and make any adjustments that are needed.  I can't recommend her enough!

So what is McTimoney Chiropratic?
McTimoney animal chiropractic is a non-invasive technique which promotes symmetry within the whole body, improving movement and function. Adjustments are quick and gentle to gain the desired effect without the use of any force. Amber works at the animals own pace and utilises additional therapeutic modalities alongside treatment, such as massage and sports taping to keep them comfortable through and ensure treatment is effective.

Please get in touch with Amber if you think your dog or horse would benefit from having a treatment:
Amber Calleran - 07882 490 556


"Christie is organised, reliable and great with dogs too! Whenever Christie walks my dog, usually with her own two, my lab comes back tired and contented with a big doggy grin. I would thoroughly recommend her calmness and approach to handling the dogs in her care. "
Cate Hunt