TEL: 07752 363367


Group Doggy Walks

  • Full one hour walk – on or off lead, the choice is yours!
  • Small groups so the walk is fun and friendly but also safe and under control
  • On return home your dog will be towel dried, muddy paws cleaned, fresh water topped up and settled in their bed for a snooze
  • £16.50 per hour

Solo Doggy Walks

  • For dogs needing individual attention – maybe your dog is elderly, recovering from an operation or is in season
  • £14 per half an hour or £25 per hour

Doggy Running

  • For high energy dogs or those that need extra valuable stimulation in their life
  • Solo sessions
  • This could include walking and running depending on your dog’s fitness levels
  • I run regularly with my dogs and the session will be fully tailored to your dog’s needs
  • £25 for 45 minutes

Doggy Visits

For pups, older dogs or if you are going to be away from home longer than expected

To include:

  • Feed and check water
  • Let your dog out into the garden
  • Clean up as necessary
  • Administer any medication
  • Exercise/play/train with your dog
  • £14 per half an hour

Doggy Sitting

  • Care provided when you’re away
  • 1 walk/run per day
  • Daily updates with photos for your peace of mind
  • From £50 per 24 hours

Additional Holiday Services

Full house clean - £25 per hour
Food shop service for when you return from holiday - £20 plus grocery bill


Doggy Taxi

  • Do you need to take your dog to the vet?
  • To save you taking time off work I can do this for you
  • Return trip and will settle your dog back at home
  • £35 per hour

Doggy Nail Clipping

  • Does your dog need his or her nails clipping?
  • £15 per dog


"Very professional!  Pippa came home very happy and nicely tired after her first run with Christie!"
Dave Irwin